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Protecția animalelor

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World Animal Veterinary Emissaries

Suma target

552.089 RON

1.000.000 RON

8831 Donații ONG

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In Romania, animals suffer enormously from the lack of funds for the vet. In 3 years of activity we have over 10000 sick animals treated and who risked suffering terribly or dying because their people did not have money for treatments. At the moment we are hosted by the Center of Hope hospital in Piteasca, which provides us with all the infrastructure and staff. The efforts are huge and the workload exceeds our powers, that's why our team makes great sacrifices to offer life to animals without great chances of life such as puppy puppies or cat puppies with enteroviruses.

Detalii proiect

Aria de acoperire


Perioada donații

01.01.2020 - 02.12.2025

Scopul proiectului

We want to be able to consult, operate, internal and intensively treat over 3000 animals annually.

Beneficiarii proiectului

Stray animals and on the street, animals from poor shelters, animals from families with modest financial possibilities or belonging to special social categories benefit from treatment and the chance to life. These animals would never receive fair and unpredictable treatment if they did not enter this project called Homeless Animal Hospital.

De ce să donez?

Because it is a unique project in the world in which animals from precarious and vulnerable social environments. Stray animals and on the street, animals from poor shelters, animals from families with modest financial possibilities or belonging to special social categories benefit from treatment and the chance to life.

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Galerie media

World Animal Veterinary Emissaries

Suntem o echipa de medici veterinari dedicata cauzei animalelor fara stapan. Credem ca putem face mult mai mult pentru animalele fara stapan si de aceea am sterilizat pana acum 65000 caini si pisici , am printat si distribuit 17000 brosuri educationale si am creat primul proiect de ajutorare a animalelor fara stapan care au nevoie de ingrijire medicala .